Felix Kubin & Wojt3k Kucharczyk



In this magnificent drama of love, patriotism and honour, Felix Kubin and Wojtek Kucharczyk open the borders of Germany and Poland in order to flood their countries with binational beauty of plunderphonic trash. Sounds become actors, conquerers, defenders and pathetic footnotes. On Side A two famous battles are re-animated: In 1410 the Order of Teutonic Knights suffered defeat at GRUNWALD, outfoxed by an united army of Polish and Lithuanians. 500 years later, the German army conquered the highly superior Russian army at a nearby location called TANNENBERG. This political cocktail comes with a decent flavour of imperial disco! Side B features two songs: KATHEDRALE KOPERNIKUS – KATEDRA KOPERNIKA is a binational ritual chant summoning the spirit of the ghost of Kopernikus: „Divided body is half pain“. HOCHZEIT DER HYMNEN – WESELE HYMNÓW is a beautiful unborn child of two hymns composed by one Utopian conscience. As always, Kucharczyk and Kubin act like gentlemen, disobeying all the rules of diplomacy. First scream, then confess!

7.90 € 7.9 EUR 7.90 €

7.90 €

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